Tinderbox for blogging?

As much as I love Tinderbox, I’m wondering if it will continue to make sense long-term as a blogging engine. I get along great with most of Tinderbox’s features, but export is one that has eluded me for going on 20 years. I can muddle my way through, but it’s always a challenge. This blog’s export templates have become complex enough that I don’t want to touch anything, for fear of breaking something....

October 5, 2023 · 226 words

Grand Haven Pier (Oct 1, 2023)

A few snapshots from our walk on the pier in Grand Haven this afternoon. The weather was beautiful and so was the waterfront.

October 1, 2023 · 23 words

Links that look like links

Links should looks like link. Let’s bring back blue and purple.

September 30, 2023 · 103 words

An attempt at file management

I keep a lot of files in a lot of folders, but I’m inconsistent in how I organize them. This means I too frequently have trouble finding things, so I’ve made another attempt at fixing the problem. I’ve tried all the popular “systems”. From PARA to ACCESS to Johnny Decimal, but everything has felt either too prescriptive or too loose. And they all felt like I was living in someone else’s space....

September 30, 2023 · 555 words

RSS as security risk?

While looking for a way to enable xmlrpc in this Siteground-hosted WordPress installation, I ran into this: RSS continues to struggle with maintaining traction, and this doesn’t help.

September 29, 2023 · 28 words

The analog equivalent of having too many blogs

The notebooks I’m actively using right now. Seriously. We all know that I have too many blogs. What’s less obvious is that I use too many different notebooks. Here’s what’s currently in rotation: A yellow legal pad. It’s nice to just throw stuff on the top page without thinking. Leuchtturm 1917 A5 Notebook (lined). This is my sort-of bullet journal. I keep lists and notes here, mostly. Hobonichi Techo. This is my calendar/planner....

September 29, 2023 · 247 words

Grab the weather forecast using weatherapi.com

I like to record the weather in my journals. For several years, I’ve used https://wttr.in via curl. Recently, wttr is often unreachable or throws errors, so I took a look at weatherapi.com Designed for developers by developers, Weather API is the ultimate weather and geolocation API The free account limits are generous, so I created an account. The default JSON results are very thorough. I created a little shell script that uses jq to parse the JSON and returns only the high/low temps and a text summary of the forecast:...

September 26, 2023 · 172 words

RSS feeds as emails using Notmuch and rss2email

Could I too start storing things as email and find them later using Notmuch?

September 20, 2023 · 299 words

Hiding scheduled TODO items in Org-mode

Many of my TODO items in Org-mode include a SCHEDULED property, which lets me ignore them until a specified date in the future. This keeps my Org agenda nice and tidy. Something that always bugged me is that this worked fine in the Agenda, but not the global TODO list. It finally bothered me enough that I went looking for a solution, which I found in like twenty seconds: (setq org-agenda-tags-todo-honor-ignore-options t)...

September 8, 2023 · 140 words

SetApp apps I use

SetApp apps I have installed During frequent bouts of Subscription Fatigue, I always glance sideways at SetApp, thinking that I could cancel my subscription. Then I look at the apps I have installed via SetApp (see above) and once again realize that it might be the most useful $10/month subscription I have. So it stays.

September 7, 2023 · 55 words

Film photography as late-stage Burning Man

Original photo: Depositphotos I’ve never been to Burning Man, but for years I really wanted to go. I mean c’mon, a bunch of normies heading out to the beach (at first, but later, the desert) to do drugs, walk around half (or fully) naked, and opt out of society for a while. A place to really hippie it up for a week or so. I think I would have loved it....

September 4, 2023 · 360 words

Org-journal stays

I’ll probably continue using Org-journal no matter what

September 3, 2023 · 293 words

At my analog desk

I still call this my “analog” desk. It’s for reading real books and articles. It’s for journaling. It’s for painting and drawing. It’s for sitting and staring out the window, even if the view is only that of a cul-de-sac in a boring middle-class suburb. I sat here for a good portion of two days during a recent power outage. It was refreshing and mentally invigorating. But that was last week....

September 1, 2023 · 89 words

Silver is better

Back in photo.net’s and rangefinderforum.com’s prime, there was a gruff, opinionated, brilliant, and helpful forum member and photographer named Al Kaplan. He helped me a great deal after I got my first Leica. When he died in 2010, his family sold mugs and T-shirts to raise money. I’ve kept the mug on my desk ever since. Silver is Better Al Kaplan mug. Leica MP. HP5. Silver is better, indeed.

August 28, 2023 · 69 words


What’s the deal with Baty.net?

August 28, 2023 · 184 words

Unexpected side effects of throwing away ruined film

Throwing some old film away has made me think about what I actually need to keep

August 27, 2023 · 278 words

The Emergent Task Planner

Let’s try the paper-based Emergent Task Planner again

August 21, 2023 · 181 words

Using both Denote and Org-roam

Using both Denote and Org-roam packages seems crazy, but I’m trying it.

August 20, 2023 · 370 words

A new (old) theme for baty.net

I needed a change, so I brought the Papermod theme back.

August 16, 2023 · 72 words

The Leica Q2 (again)

I got tired of waiting for a Fuji X100V so I skipped it and got another Q2

August 16, 2023 · 273 words